
  • EUROTOX Early Career Exchange Program (ECEP)

    Eurotox annonserer Early Career Exchange Program: “Fostering Career Development in Toxicology” med mulighet også for økonomisk støtte.
    Merk søknadsfristen 30.4.25
    Finn all info om programmet på programmets webside her.

  • Workshop “Advancing Risk Assessment and Compliance with European Regulations”

    The Genetic Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina i samarbeid med Eurotox, arrangerer workshop “Advancing Risk Assessment and Compliance with European Regulations”. Det er forberedelser online og som hjemmearbeid i månedene før on-site konferansen som arrangeres i Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 24-26 september 2025. Søknadsfrist til workshop’en er 1.april 2025.
    Denne workshopen er relevant når det gjelder å bli Europeisk registrert toksikolog (ERT).
    Mer info finnes her på workshopens webside.

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Abstracts booklet and Program

    Abstracts booklet and Detailed Program for download

    Abstracts booklet here
    Final program here

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Abstracts deadline Jan 10th!

    Happy New Year NSFT Members,
    December was a busy month for us all and maybe you did not manage to submit your abstract on time?
    -No worries, we have extended the deadline for the Abstract submission until the 10th of January !!

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Registration open!

    Instruction and forms for registration, info here.
    We are excited to announce that registration and abstract submissions for the Winter Meeting 2025 are now open! The event will take place at Beitostølen from January 23-26, 2025.
    This year, we are honored to feature the Poulsson winner, Prof. Dr. Ellen Fritsche, who will receive her award and present a lecture on her significant contributions to the field of neurotoxicity.
    Attention students: we are offering 30 travel stipends, each worth 500-1000 NOK, to support your attendance at the meeting! BSc., MSc. and “forskerlinjen” student are prioritized.
    Join us for three days of engaging scientific discussions, networking opportunities, and outdoor winter activities in the breathtaking Norwegian winter landscape. We can’t wait to see you there!”




Meetings and Webinars

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Abstracts booklet and Program

    Abstracts booklet and Detailed Program for download

    Abstracts booklet here
    Final program here

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Abstracts deadline Jan 10th!

    Happy New Year NSFT Members,
    December was a busy month for us all and maybe you did not manage to submit your abstract on time?
    -No worries, we have extended the deadline for the Abstract submission until the 10th of January !!

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Registration open!

    Instruction and forms for registration, info here.
    We are excited to announce that registration and abstract submissions for the Winter Meeting 2025 are now open! The event will take place at Beitostølen from January 23-26, 2025. This year, we are honored to feature the Poulsson winner, Prof. Dr. Ellen Fritsche, who will receive her award and present a lecture on her significant contributions to the field of neurotoxicity. Attention students: we are offering 30 travel stipends, each worth 500-1000 NOK, to support your attendance at the meeting! BSc., MSc. and “forskerlinjen” student are prioritized. Join us for three days of engaging scientific discussions, networking opportunities, and outdoor winter activities in the breathtaking Norwegian winter landscape. We can’t wait to see you there!”

  • Plastnettverket symposium

    The Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology, the Plastic Network at the University of Bergen, and collaborators are happy to invite you to a one-day symposium on microplastics on November 22nd. The title for the meeting is “Microplastics and Human Health; sources, exposure, and impact”, and includes presentations from renowned experts and early career scientists in the field of microplastic research. The meeting will take place at Marineholmen in Bergen, but online Zoom attendance is also possible. The meeting is free to attend and includes lunch.

  • EXIMIOUS symposium

    We are delighted to invite you to join us online for the seventh and final EXIMIOUS Symposium:
    Emerging contaminants: health risks associated with microplastics and indoor air quality
    on 31 October 2024 at 15:00 – 17:00 (CET).

  • NSFT

    Autumn meeting in the NSFT Toxicology section

  • 52nd EEMGS Congress

    - - The 52nd Congress of the European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS) will take place in ROVINJ, CROATIA 23rd – 27th September 2024. Click logo for more info and link to congress website.
