Posts by Stein Bergan
1.nov 22: Frist ERT registrering av toksikologer – fornyelse eller ny-registrering
Info og skjemaer her: ERT-registrering
Søknadsfristen for nyregistrering er 1. november 2022. Registrering av toksikologer varer i 5 år, for noen er det derfor tid for reregistrering.
Søknadsfrist for reregistrering er også 1. november 2022. De som har godkjenning fra 2018 skal søke regodkjenning i år.
Member of NSFT not receiving newsletters?
The most recent newsletter distribution from the NSFT was September 15th 2022. If you did not receive this one, it could be in your spam folder. One way to avoid this is to add our email to the address book of your email client. Please contact the same email if you have questions.
IATDMCT 2022 congress goes hybrid
The IATDMCT congress in Prague Sept 18-21 2022 -This congress will now be possible to attend virtually as well as physically. More info: …
Poulsson nominations deadline June 15
The NSFT Poulsson prize for 2022 will be awarded within the field basal pharmacology -and the deadline for nominations is June 15th. All members of NSFT are allowed to nominate. […]
Få din stillingsannonse her
For en liten sum til NSFT (pt NOK 500) kan du få din stillingsannonse her.