Posts by Stein Bergan

  • NSFT bruker nå Spond –Hvorfor?

    Hvorfor vil vi at NSFT-medlemmer laster ned Spond-appen og registrerer seg i Spond?
    -Det blir enkelt som medlem å ta imot info fra NSFT og man kan se hva som er lagret om seg selv i medlemsregisteret. Det blir også lett å finne andre medlemmer og evt ta kontakt.
    -For styret i NSFT blir jobben enklere, både med info og med innkreving av medlemskontingent. Alt dette gjøres på fritid, så du hjelper styrearbeidet ved å bruke Spond-appen.
    Sjekk her for svar på noen spørsmål rundt NSFT-medlemskap og Spond:
    Les mer –>

  • Høstmøte 6.nov: Recent advances in plastic and plastic additives research

    NSFT and collaborators (Plastic Network (UiB), HI, NIVA) invite you to a one-day meeting in Bergen on November 6th, 2023. The title of the meeting is “Recent advances in plastic and plastic additives research – Can we transition to risk-based prioritisation?” – including a keynote lecture from Hans Bouwmeester (Ass. Prof. Wageningen University and Research).
    Follow this link to see the full program.
    The meeting is free to attend and includes lunch. Online attendance via Zoom will also be possible.
    Please register your attendance here.

  • IATDMCT kongress i Oslo 2023 -Early bird deadline 15.6.23

    Den årlige internasjonale kongress for TDM og klinisk toksikologi, IATDMCT, arrangeres for første gang i Norge. Mer info finnes på websiden . Stedet er Oslo Kongressenter, og det er separat pre-kongress-symposium på søndagen med tema mikrosampling og hjemmeprøvetaking. Dette gir en fin mulighet til å bli kjent med foreningen IATDMCT og de årlige kongressene. Påmelding til kongressen innen 15.juni gir lavest deltageravgift. Aller rimeligst blir det hvis man først melder seg inn i IATDMCT og for NSFT-medlemmer er det lavere medlemsavgift.

  • News from BCPT

    The journal BCPT, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, has announced two prizes to be awarded in 2023. Info about these including details and links for nominations and and more can be found here.

  • 2nd Nordic Conference on Personalized Medicine 2023

    Click here for more info on the 2nd Nordic Conference on Personalized Medicine in Turku, Finland June 14-16 2023.



  • BCPT Assistant editor

    Exciting Opportunity: Join BCPT as an Assistant Editor!

    Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (BCPT), a prestigious Nordic journal, is seeking up to four Assistant Editors to join its dynamic team. As an AE, you'll handle 10–15 manuscripts annually, assist with peer review processes, and collaborate with distinguished editors and scientists...

  • Få din stillingsannonse her

    For en liten sum til NSFT (pt NOK 500) kan du få din stillingsannonse her.


Meetings and Webinars

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Registration open!

    Instruction and forms for registration, info here.
    We are excited to announce that registration and abstract submissions for the Winter Meeting 2025 are now open! The event will take place at Beitostølen from January 23-26, 2025. This year, we are honored to feature the Poulsson winner, Prof. Dr. Ellen Fritsche, who will receive her award and present a lecture on her significant contributions to the field of neurotoxicity. Attention students: we are offering 30 travel stipends, each worth 500-1000 NOK, to support your attendance at the meeting! BSc., MSc. and “forskerlinjen” student are prioritized. Join us for three days of engaging scientific discussions, networking opportunities, and outdoor winter activities in the breathtaking Norwegian winter landscape. We can’t wait to see you there!”

  • Plastnettverket symposium

    The Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology, the Plastic Network at the University of Bergen, and collaborators are happy to invite you to a one-day symposium on microplastics on November 22nd. The title for the meeting is “Microplastics and Human Health; sources, exposure, and impact”, and includes presentations from renowned experts and early career scientists in the field of microplastic research. The meeting will take place at Marineholmen in Bergen, but online Zoom attendance is also possible. The meeting is free to attend and includes lunch.

  • EXIMIOUS symposium

    We are delighted to invite you to join us online for the seventh and final EXIMIOUS Symposium:
    Emerging contaminants: health risks associated with microplastics and indoor air quality
    on 31 October 2024 at 15:00 – 17:00 (CET).

  • NSFT

    Autumn meeting in the NSFT Toxicology section

  • 52nd EEMGS Congress

    - - The 52nd Congress of the European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS) will take place in ROVINJ, CROATIA 23rd – 27th September 2024. Click logo for more info and link to congress website.

  • IATDMCT 2024 i Banff, Canada

    Årets internasjonale kongress for TDM og klinisk toksikologi, IATDMCT, blir i 2024 arrangert i Banff, Canada. Oppdatert info med tidsfrister finnes på websiden .

  • NSFT Tox spring meeting 2024 May 23rd

    Click here for all details: program, venue, travel, hybrid login

    When: 23rd May 2024, 12:30 – 16:00
    Where: NMBU, Veterinærbygningen, Elizabeth Stephansens vei 15, N-1430 Ås
    (plus hybrid)
